University Leaders Under Fire for Failing to Handle Anti Semitic Protest Actions in Campuses
The ongoing war between Israel and the Pakistan-based Hamas terrorists has spawned protest actions inside university campuses, which include the hurling of antisemitic remarks. However, many believe that the current leaders and officials of America’s higher education institutions are more concerned with preserving donor endowments than dealing with the growing unrest in their campuses.
Harris Poll Survey Results Indicate Loss of Faith in University Officials and Leaders
The results of the latest Harris Poll conducted by US News revealed that 80% of the survey respondents agree with the said observations. The poll also indicated that about 60% believe that the situation is true in elite education institutions like Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Apparently, the leaders of the said universities continue to ignore the massive outcry against antisemitic remarks and worsening protest actions being held in campuses as responses to the ongoing Israel-Pakistan war taking place in the Gaza Strip.
The general view is that Americans have lost faith in the ability of university leaders to do the right thing when faced with a volatile crisis. It was obvious that the university officials are more concerned in preserving relationships with donors, with the press and other external factors.
Education ExCom of Congress Pressures University Leaders to Act on Growing Campus Unrest
In an Executive Committee Hearing held in Congress in December, college and university presidents were under fire for lack of actions and seeming confusion on how to handle the protest activities and verbal attacks against Jewish people.
The responses to the issue being raised revealed there was confusion about the need to protect the right to freedom of speech and the limits by which free speech is allowed. This particular findings was reflected as results of the Harris poll Survey.
Yet the greater problem pointed out during the ExCom meeting was the need to make colleges and universities in the country more accessible to all types of students, which gives emphasis to the element of diversity.
Over the weekend after the hearing, Liz Magill, the President of the University of Pennsylvania resigned as her reaction to the pressures mounted by members of the Congressional ExCom who showed dissatisfaction over her responses,
Actually, all three presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University and MIT apologized after acknowledging that they need to reassess their policies; particularly those inconsistent with how education institutions allow or ignore free speech in campuses and the limits that apply in all cases.