Children’s rights to education

Even if school and homework are sometimes not fun, children have a right to learn something. Only then will they understand the world and can later take care of themselves and others.

That is why there is the right to education. It says that every child must have the opportunity to attend school.

Learning as an opportunity – worldwide

More than 263 million children do not go to school! It looks particularly bad in Africa. Their parents don’t have money for education and toddler girl toy ideas. But many children in Asia and South America are also barred from education.

Why can’t many children go to school?

The schools are often too far away from where the children live. Or it costs money to go to school. Many parents cannot afford that. Many children simply don’t have time for school. They have to work and earn money because their families are poor. Sometimes there are schools where these children can study in the evenings.

In some countries, girls are not permitted to go to school. This can be for religious reasons or the girls are involved in the household. It is not considered important that they learn anything.

Wherever there is war or families are on the run, there are no regular classes. That is why aid organizations like UNICEF are building small auxiliary schools in refugee camps. You want to give the children a piece of normal everyday life – and the opportunity to learn.

Pupils in some countries go to work on certain days to earn and donate to any education campaign for Africa. The money is used to finance school projects for children in Africa.

Learning as an opportunity – in Germany

All children in Germany go to school. It is even their duty. From the age of 7 at the latest, all children go to primary school, after which they switch to a secondary school. Attending school in Germany is free for everyone who goes to a state school. But there are also private schools. They cost school fees.

In principle, all children have the same opportunities and opportunities at school. However, it has been found that the success of a student depends very much on which family he or she comes from.
